Welcome to openbandparams’s documentation!
The main goal of this project is to provide easy access to semiconductor
band parameters for calculations and simulations. Basic functionality
requires only the standard python distribution.
Example scripts are provided for basic usage and for generating common
plots such as bandgap vs. lattice constant and bandgap vs. alloy
Materials included in this version:
- III-V Zinc Blendes
- Binaries
- AlN, GaN, InN,
AlP, GaP, InP,
AlAs, GaAs, InAs,
AlSb, GaSb, InSb
- Ternaries
- AlGaN, AlInN, GaInN,
AlGaP, AlInP, GaInP,
AlGaAs, AlInAs, GaInAs,
AlGaSb, AlInSb, GaInSb,
AlNAs, GaNAs, InNAs,
AlPAs, GaPAs, InPAs,
AlPSb, GaPSb, InPSb,
AlAsSb, GaAsSb, InAsSb
- Quaternaries
- AlNPAs, AlPAsSb,
GaNPAs, GaPAsSb,
InNPAs, InPAsSb,
AlGaInN, AlGaInP, AlGaInAs, AlGaInSb,
AlGaNAs, AlInNAs, GaInNAs,
AlGaPAs, AlInPAs, GaInPAs,
AlGaPSb, AlInPSb, GaInPSb,
AlGaAsSb, AlInAsSb, GaInAsSb
Parameters included in this version:
- lattice constants
- thermal expansion coefficients
- bandgap energies (direct and indirect)
- Varshni parameters
- split-off energies
- effective masses
- Luttinger parameters
- Kane parameters (Ep and F)
- Valance band offsets
- band deformation potentials
- elastic constants
- alloy bowing parameters
- effects of biaxial strain
The source code and documentation are graciously hosted by GitHub.