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#   Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Scott J Maddox
#   This file is part of openbandparams.
#   openbandparams is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
#   by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   openbandparams is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
#   along with openbandparams.  If not, see <>.
# Make sure we import the local openbandparams version
import os
import sys
    os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../..')))
from openbandparams import *
import string

# Print all parameters of all III-V zinc blende alloys
params = {}
for binary in iii_v_zinc_blende_binaries:
    for param in binary.get_unique_parameters():
        if not in params:
            params[] = param
names = [n for n,p in sorted(params.items())]
descriptions = [p.description for n,p in sorted(params.items())]
max_name_width = max([len(name) for name in names])
max_desc_width = max([len(desc) for desc in descriptions])

print '='*max_name_width+'   '+'='*max_desc_width
print '{}   {}'.format(string.ljust('Parameter', max_name_width),'Description')
print '='*max_name_width+'   '+'='*max_desc_width
for name, desc in zip(names, descriptions):
    print '{}   {}'.format(string.ljust(name, max_name_width),desc)
print '='*max_name_width+'   '+'='*max_desc_width


=========================   ==================================================================================
Parameter                   Description
=========================   ==================================================================================
CBO                         conduction band offset energy relative to InSb VBO
CBO_Gamma                   Gamma-valley conduction band offset energy relative to InSb VBO
CBO_L                       L-valley conduction band offset energy relative to InSb VBO
CBO_X                       X-valley conduction band offset energy relative to InSb VBO
Delta_SO                    split-off energy
Eg                          bandgap energy
Eg_Gamma                    Gamma-valley bandgap energy
Eg_Gamma_0                  Gamma-valley bandgap energy at 0 K
Eg_L                        L-valley bandgap energy
Eg_L_0                      L-valley bandgap energy at 0 K
Eg_X                        X-valley bandgap energy
Eg_X_0                      X-valley bandgap energy at 0 K
Ep                          Ep interband matrix element
F                           F Kane remote-band parameter
VBO                         valance band offset energy relative to InSb VBO
a                           lattice parameter
a_300K                      lattice parameter at 300 K
a_c                         conduction band deformation potential
a_v                         valance band deformation potential
alpha_Gamma                 Gamma-valley Varshni alpha parameter
alpha_L                     L-valley Varshni alpha parameter
alpha_X                     X-valley Varshni alpha parameter
b                           b shear deformation potential
beta_Gamma                  Gamma-valley Varshni beta parameter
beta_L                      L-valley Varshni beta parameter
beta_X                      X-valley Varshni beta parameter
c11                         c11 elastic constant
c12                         c12 elastic constant
c44                         c44 elastic constant
d                           d shear deformation potential
dielectric                  static relative dielectric permittivity (i.e. <~ 1 THz)
dielectric_high_frequency   high-frequency dielectric permittivity (i.e. >~ 100 THz)
electron_affinity           electron affinity energy
luttinger1                  first Luttinger parameter
luttinger2                  second Luttinger parameter
luttinger3                  third Luttinger parameter
luttinger32                 difference between third and second Luttinger parameters (luttinger3 - luttinger2)
meff_SO                     split-off band effective mass
meff_e_Gamma                electron effective mass in the Gamma-valley
meff_e_Gamma_0              electron effective mass in the Gamma-valley at 0 K
meff_e_L_DOS                electron effective mass density of states in the L-valley
meff_e_L_long               electron effective mass in the longitudinal direction in the L-valley
meff_e_L_trans              electron effective mass in the transverse direction in the L-valley
meff_e_X_DOS                electron effective mass density of states in the X-valley
meff_e_X_long               electron effective mass in the longitudinal direction in the X-valley
meff_e_X_trans              electron effective mass in the transverse direction in the X-valley
meff_hh_100                 heavy-hole effective mass in the <100> direction
meff_hh_110                 heavy-hole effective mass in the <110> direction
meff_hh_111                 heavy-hole effective mass in the <111> direction
meff_lh_100                 light-hole effective mass in the <100> direction
meff_lh_110                 light-hole effective mass in the <110> direction
meff_lh_111                 light-hole effective mass in the <111> direction
nonparabolicity             Kane band nonparabolicity parameter for the Gamma-valley
thermal_expansion           lattice parameter thermal expansion coefficient
=========================   ==================================================================================